Mental Health Matters!

Counselors’ Corner
Mental Health Supports and Resources
CORA (Counseling or Referral Assistance), is partnered with our school for a variety of programs that support our students, and our families. They will work with you to find the right services for you, in our neighborhood.
Education for Children & Youth Experiencing Homelessness
Philly Homes for Youth– Information, resources and support for youth who may be experiencing homelessness. Find and access local resources, like shelters, housing, food-banks, healthcare providers, and more.
Education for Children & Youth Experiencing Homelessness– If you or someone you know has experienced a hardship which has led to displacement, please click on the link and someone from the ECYEH team will contact you.
Attendance Resources
Counselor Contact Information
Bobbi Tatum (K-3)
Alicia Dillion (4-6)
Laurie Strunk (7-8)